I was with Flame of Fire Kingdom Advancing Messengers in Philadelphia last week at Bible Ministries Fellowship Church and we had such a powerful gathering!! So much prayer, intercession, and worship went forth, it was like a fire in there!! This was a gathering for 5-Fold Ministers and everyone else who was hungering for more of God. The Lord told us that we were going to meet Him there as the “Revelation Rock”, like where Simon Peter declares that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. Jesus says to Him, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven has, and upon this rock, of direct revelation from the Him, I will build my church. That is what God did here, He personally revealed His heart and scriptures and made it real within us!!
God truly changed each one of us and we will never be the same !!!
At this Gathering I also got ordained and prayed over as a Missionary, and I am so honored and humbled for the opportunity!! ❤️🔥